路易莎咖啡LOUISA COFFEE 一直以來給我的印象是一個充滿活力的品牌,工作環境十分舒服,和路易莎的合作算是很有緣。這次拍攝他們創辦人總經理黃銘賢,短暫的相處可以發現,他是一個很明確知道自己要什麼的人,這樣的領導特質讓公司可以不斷地持續往前,幾次合作下來都有不同的學習!
Louisa Coffee gives me the impression of a vibrant coffee brand with a comfortable working environment. This time, their founder, General Manager Huang Mingxian, found out for a short time that he is a person who knows exactly what he wants. This kind of leadership trait allows the company to continue to move forward and learn differently in several cooperations!
執行單位 面白創意(舌尖上的攝影師)
:: Photographer / Nick 
:: Assist partner / 品婷

:: Model / 總經理黃銘賢
:: Equipment and props / 路易莎咖啡LOUISA COFFEE

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